
Bare Pro Masters

2-day Sugaring training Tier 1


Our course provides hands-on and theoretical knowledge. We will provide you with the skills you need to have a successful sugaring studio. Bare pro certification is a 2-day class that will focus on full-body sugaring, excluding Brazilian. We will analyze different techniques and different textures of sugar. We will review safety and health control in the treatment room. Once you take the LOVE2SUGAR online course, you will meet with our NYS educator & her team for hands-on training. We are here for a lifetime of support. The starter kit will be provided by LOVE2SUGAR.

In-Person Training


2 -week sugaring Training Tier 2


Our advanced course is for students who have learned sugar and want hands-on training. Bare pro advance certification is a 2-week course. This course will provide you with skills that will make you feel confident about sugar. We cover full body sugaring, excluding Brazilian. We will help you master your technique and address any issues you've encountered. We will review safety and health control in the treatment room. Once you have completed LOVE2SUGAR course, this tier gives you two additional training days to solidify both online and in-person techniques. If you feel like you need additional help, we are here for a lifetime of support. LOVE2SUGAR provides a starter kit to help you perform your best in the treatment room.

In-Person Training


Brazilian Sugaring Training Tier 3


Our course provides hands-on and theoretical knowledge. Bare pro certification will provide you with the skills you need to have a successful sugaring studio. Bare pro certification is a 1 day course. This course will focus ONLY Brazilian course. Students should already have a sugaring certification.

Brazilian Bootcamp

Models Provided + In-Person Training